Bionicle + Team Fortress 2 - New director needed
Hello there! I'm here because I'm looking for a user that could take over my Youtube series Bionicle + Team Fortress 2 since I'm retiring from stop-motions... and I would like the series to keep going.
So if you're interested, send me a link to (what you feel is) the best video you've ever done in the comments of this blog and I will see who fits the best for the job.
And... that's pretty much all I had to say. So until then... POOTIS!
BIONICLE vs. Hero Factory Movie UPDATES
Hello, it's me Jman98 from the Custom BIONICLE wiki, I was wondering if anybody could give me ideas on what the film should be like. Also, I wanted to know if anyone wanted to help me with it? ~Jman 98~ 06:52, November 28, 2010 (UTC)
Toa Nui?
Sounds like some sort of BIONICLE Mega Zord, Huh? Well, it's basically a Toa Kaita on steroids because it's not just 3, not 4, not 5, but 6 toa combined. I am surprised there is only a HANDFULL of people have tried to create a Toa Nui MOC. Here is the best one I've seen so far Toa Nui Rai-Engos. Now for those of you that do not understand writen english, according to the creater, he only used parts from all six of the origanal Toa Mata and a silver Kanohi Hau, NOTHING ELSE. That is incredible. I hope I see more in the future.
LhikanRULES95 out...
Regarding BIONICLE vs Hero Factory
When I first saw hero factory, I knew the idea of a crossover had great potential. But I am very surprised that no one has taken it seriously yet. Take Kylernuva135's vid for examle here, Bionicle vs Hero Factory. I admit, it was f$#king hilarious. But, again, I think it has great potential as a crossover. And if you read BIONICLE vs Hero Factory, then you might have noticed that next to Chapter 1, it said BIONICLE. that means it was coming the Bionicle stand point or whatever and the next chapter comes from the Hero Factory stand point, thing. Also, feel free to ask me if YOU want to write a chapter.
LhikanRULES95 out...