This is the second part of Bionicle Book 10: Salvation. The history begins after the Awakening of the Robot. Helryx and Turaga Dume seem to have found the new guardians of their new (old) home. Before reading, it is better to check the Bionicle Book 10: Salvation Index, where you can find the recommended reading order.
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1. A new Era
"The time has come. Calling the chosen ones is the next step for the realization of the project."
"All right, go ahead."

Official poster
"Lhikan armies, on the other hand, were ready for the ambush, and once they arrived there they attacked the Dark Hunters without mercy... Well, the lesson for today is over. Tomorrow we will conclude the chapter and introduce the Great Cataclysm. Good day to you all."
The Matoran left the classroom while their teacher arranged her notes. At one point, a tall individual entered the room, drawing the attention of the Ga-Matoran.
The Ga-Matoran was surprised to see that individual and immediately recognized him by the small coat of arms on his armor. "A member of the Order of Mata Nui here? For which reasons?"
"You should know that..."
"Should I?"
"Yes, or have you already forgotten your past?"
"I don’t know how many years have passed since that day, but you... I don’t think we’ve ever met."
"Oh, forgive me. I’m Hydraxon, but you can also call me Dekar. I was sent by the court to bring you to them. We’ll need your help in the future, Matoran."
"You want to rebuild the Three Virtues army?! But how? I remember that..."
"No, but everything has its time and explanation. I’ll tell you what you want, but you’ll have to come with us first."
"Yes, I’ll explain everything along the way."
Vhisola then began to tidy up her stuff and went to her house under the waterfall.
Some Ruhnga soldiers, along with Hydraxon, were waiting for her outside. She could not understand the reason for this convocation and especially the group of Ruhnga soldiers. There must have been a reason, and Hydraxon would have given it to her.
In her backpack, she put a lot of junk, in case the trip had lasted a few days.
"You’ll need that too." Hydraxon said, pointing to a carpet in the middle of the room.
"A carpet?"
"You know what I’m talking about..."
Vhisola then realized that the member of the Order knew about the Kanoka Launcher she kept hidden in a trap door below the floor. Vhisola then took it out, along with the remaining ammunition, and put it in her backpack.
"Where are we going?" asked the Ga-Matoran.
"To the Colosseum. Helryx and Dume will be waiting for us there."
The expedition then departed, passing through the Protodermis Falls.
Before arriving on the main route, Hydraxon decided to change course. Vhisola couldn’t figure out why, and Hydraxon told her he knew a shortcut.
Thus began their journey, which would have lasted about three days. Vhisola didn't know that four other Matoran were summoned by Helryx...
2. Ambush
"Prepare the contraption."
After a day’s travel, Hydraxon group was getting closer to its destination.
The restored Metru Nui was quite similar to the previous one. Many buildings were renovated, while others were repaired. The great machines came back to work, together with most of the islands that constituted the great Robot, but not all of them: Destral, Odin, Visorak, Zakaz, Xia, Stelt and others were left destroyed. No one could understand why this choice was taken, as the islands were essential to ensure the operation of the Robot as a whole. It was not even known why returning to the Robot was so essential.
Throughout the journey, Vhisola remained very thoughtful: it seemed strange to return to serve the army or even to participate in a war at the behest of the Order or Dume himself.
"We’ll be there in a couple of hours..." but Vhisola didn’t answer.
"I know you have a lot of questions, Matoran, but I ask you to be patient. Soon you will understand the situation."
Vhisola, however, did not pay attention to what he said.
"How many are left? I'm talking about the Order..." she asked after a moment of silence.
"Your summon has nothing to do with replacing ex-members, rest assured."
Later on their way, they met Tobduk, who was one of the few to return to the group, now no longer secret after the Awakening of the Robot.
"Brother, what news do you have?" asked Hydraxon.
"Unfortunately they managed to get in and just a few months ago they attacked us at Onu-Metru. We had to retreat to a stronghold from where we pushed them back and..."
Vhisola and he made eye contact.
"Is that her?"
"Yes, but she doesn’t know anything yet. Helryx will explain everything to them."
"I hope so. Before leaving you know that Helryx got depressed and..."
"If you don’t mind we’ll talk about this later!" said Hydraxon, angered by Tobduk’s words. And so he joined the group...
It was a few hours to reach the Colosseum. They were on a narrow road, in the middle of the vegetation. The two members were forward and spoke softly to each other, sometimes glancing at the Ga-Matoran.
At one point, however, a Ruhnga soldier raised his hand, inviting his companions to stop.
They all remained silent listening...
Something in the middle of the vegetation was moving. Vhisola took out her Kanoka launcher.
Suddenly energy rays began to strike the group from all sides. It was impossible to spot the enemy in the thick vegetation.
"It’s the Parenga!" Hydraxon yelled and invited Tobduk to take Vhisola to a safer place.
In the middle of crossfire, the two manage to escape, leaving Hydraxon and the others in the conflict.
"Wait, we have to go back!" Vhisola said.
"Are you kidding me?! You seriously think a bunch of crazy mercenaries can defeat us? You don't remember anything of our power then, Matoran. Hydraxon will join us later, don’t worry. Come, we have a meeting with the others at the entrance to the Coliseum. We can’t keep them waiting. The clock is ticking..."
"Sir, everything has been set to perfection. The values coincide with the reference ones."
"Good. Now we just have to wait for them. I just hope they make it in time..."
The sun was going down. Tobduk and Vhisola had abandoned the escort with which they would have reached the gates of the Colosseum. The two had arrived at the Po-Metru market, one of the most famous meeting points of that time.
"Damn! At this rate we won’t make it. We’ll use the Jerbraz tunnels to arrive on tim-"
"Wait a minute! First we were attacked by a bunch of crazy freaks. I want to know what’s going on! Who were those guys and what do we have to do with them?!"
Tobduk sighed. "They are the Parenga, a newly formed militia to counter the will of Dume and Helryx. They can’t stand the decisions that have been made in the past, starting with the re-operation of the Robot."
"So they’re sort of... terrorist fanatics?"
"In a way. Even today we are looking for their leader. The clues lead us to continue outside of Mata-Metru, but unfortunately it is only allowed to the army."
"Why should they oppose the noble decisions by the Order?"
"That’s also why we chose you." Tobduk said, smiling.
But Vhisola was taken aback by the gesture.
"Come on, we’ll take this route. Follow me!"
They entered a narrow street in the middle of seemingly abandoned houses, and arrived in front of two buildings of equal size. Tobduk, without arousing suspicion, put pressure on a proto-tile placed at a certain height.
"We’ll be faster this way." he said. "Now, you mustn't reveal any of this or the other subways hidden below Mata-Metru."
"I won’t, but... how do you know these places?"
"Jerbraz. Some time ago the Order entrusted him with a group of Toa equipped with Huna Masks, with whom he conducted investigations throughout the territory to get more information about the Robot’s contraptions. The objective, in theory, was to find some antiques placed in the head of the great Robot, Mata-Metru, to find out if the Great Beings had left some information for us. Anyway, stay close and light your avohkii."
Vhisola then took her small torch and lit their way through the tunnel.
They arrived at a Test Track, where a Ruhnga was waiting for them on top of a transport car.
On their way to their destination, Vhisola noticed that the entire area had been abandoned for many years. Only a few Le- and Po-Matoran were used in the reconstruction and exploration of such structures. The most important information would then be sent to a special tower located southwest of Ko-Metru. After the birth of the Parenga, however, those who worked for the Order were forced to remain isolated in a superstructure, created by Artakha during His hours of rest. Unfortunately, it was the only way to be able to monitor, but above all to avoid possible revolts.
"From experience comes thought and from thought comes action, dear Vhisola. Unfortunately, curiosity does not always prove useful to us. It can even lead to death."
Before continuing towards the destination, the pilot turned into a small road on the right, where there were two individuals of different stature from afar.
"Ah perfect! Just in time." Tobduk exclaimed.
A Korero and a hooded Matoran were waiting for them.
"Perfect timing, Rahi. Thanks for saving me the trouble."
The Korero nodded and left, leaving the Matoran in their custody.
Vhisola immediately understood who it was: "Orkahm?"
3. Kissed by the Ignika
"I’m not surprised you’re here, sister." he said.
"What do you mean?" asked Vhisola.
"It seems obvious to me. We have all been summoned to respond to the requests of the Order. I just wonder why the Toa Mahri didn't come to summon us..."
"Right, it's weird..." Vhisola said, looking at Tobduk as if she was automatically looking for an answer, but the warrior from Nynrah looked away.
"Come on." he said. "I don’t want to waste any more time."
Suddenly a light from the main tunnel turned in their direction. A Ruhnga soldier rushed to Tobduk. He was wounded and without a forearm.
"What happened to you? Where is Hydraxon?!" the Order’s agent became alarmed.
"Sir, unfortunately in the terrorist attack at the Protodermis Falls many of our warriors lost their lives and Hydraxon is no longer found. I lost contact with the rest of the group and..."
"I see. There’s a repairman at mio from here. Go to him. I’ll look for Hydraxon..."
"Wait, what about us?! How do we get to the Colosseum safely?!" Vhisola said.
Tobduk knelt face-to-face with her. "Hydraxon is the member I’m most attached to. Several times he saved my life and even in circumstances risky to himself, like me right now. I know very well that this is dangerous for you, but I trust in your warfare skills, although it has been years since your last battle. Have courage and follow the light that the Great Spirit has left us."
Orkahm put a hand on Vhisola’s shoulder and said: "We’ll make it."
"Good. Accompany the wounded Ruhnga and then continue inside the main tunnel to exit 012. You will be a few hours from your destination. Be there before daylight."
"It will be done." Orkahm said.
In about half an hour they managed to rescue the wounded soldier and return their way.
It was four hours before sunrise on the island of Mata-Metru. For some strange reason, their arrival before dawn was strictly necessary. But for what reasons?
Once in the vicinity of exit 012, Vhisola and Orkahm left the vehicle and went quickly to the door that connected them to the outside world.
"Okay..." Vhisola said, gasping for breath.
"We’re almost there."
"Wait..." Orkahm said.
Approaching the door he heard an irregular noise coming from the other side. Without saying anything, he ran towards the Ga-Matoran and moved her quickly with all his strength.
There was a huge explosion.
In a very short time, armed individuals entered the fumes of the rubble, killing the two Ruhnga soldiers on guard. Vhisola attempted to take advantage of the smoke to escape, but soon realized that Orkahm had lost consciousness after the explosion. She took him on her shoulder, with great effort, and went out quickly without looking back.
Running through the streets of the city, she found herself at a dead end. She took refuge behind a small recess and fired with everything she could. It was then that energetic rays from the buildings struck her pursuers. An individual in dark armor stood in front of her, and caused an earthquake with the sole use of his spear: it was Toa Bomonga.
"Are you all right?"
"Bomonga, Toa of the Earth. How did you know that..."
"Intuition." he grinned.
"Everything all right down there?" a voice asked from the opposite building.
After a few minutes, Orkahm regained consciousness. A group of individuals stood before him. All of his fellow Matoran were there, waiting for his awakening along with Norik, Pouks and Bomonga.
The Toa of Fire approached him and said:
"Hey, kid, how are you? Can you walk?"
"I think so. Thanks for saving us."
"You can thank me later. Come on, in a few hours it will be too late!"
All eight climbed on three Kikanalo, and in a short time they reached the entrance of the Colosseum, where Krakua was waiting for them.
"Thanks for your service, brothers..." he said. "Matoran, thank you for accepting this special convocation for the future. Toa Helryx and Turaga Dume have confided you with all their trust, as in the past. They know very well that there is a bond between you that is unlikely to break. Unfortunately, thousands of years ago your fate was cut off and six others took your place as protectors of Metru Nui. But times have changed now. The whole world is in danger again, and you have been chosen to ensure that no one can make up for the selfishness and rebellion of the corrupt."
"What are you trying to tell us, Krakua?" asked Tehutti.
"You have been chosen to become the five new protectors of Mata-Metru!"
The five Matorans reacted with great astonishment to what the Toa of Tren Krom’s peninsula said.
"We will become Toa?!" Nuhrii said.
The Ta-Matoran of Metru Nui fed this dream for centuries. His lack of transformation into Toa, and also the jealousy he had about Vakama, led him to improve from day to day, to make sure that being Toa doesn't necessarily make him better than everyone else.
"Come. Helryx and Dume will be waiting for us in the main hall."
From the outside, the Colosseum was decorated with red flags depicting the Ignika. The Coliseum, in fact, as centuries ago, returned to be the heart of the city restored by Helryx and followers. Here were held some sports competitions of all kinds, except for those of Glatorian origin.
Years ago, Glatorian and Agori were able to board the Robot during what scholars called the Awakening. Because of the recent clashes, they were forbidden to live in the city and were driven from the island.
Many lost their memories due to the strong surge of Protodermis that affected the life forms that inhabited the reformed Spherus Magna. This strong wave that was generated went to hit the nerve centers of living organisms, damaging them irreversibly in some cases.
The three Toa Norik, Pouks and Bomonga abandoned the expedition to reach Tobduk. The five Matorans, instead, continued into the command tower together with Krakua, and reached the main hall. Helryx was waiting for them seated on the throne, and flanked by Dume.
"Hail faithful Matoran." said the excited Turaga. "You have been chosen to secure the end of the Great Spirit's work in complete safety. Unfortunately, the five remaining protectors, the Toa Mahri, have gone missing. Now you and your faith remain. Don’t disappoint us." and then he ordered the Korero to accompany them to an anteroom on the lower floors, without leaving a word to Helryx.
"These will be your new weapons. Studying your skills, we realized that distance weapons are ideal for you. These are Kanoka launchers. We took the liberty of making some modifications to fit your elements. You will carry out several exercises in the coming days."
"And in the meantime who’s watching the city?" asked Ehrye.
"Rejoice Matoran." replied the sonic Toa. "You will not be idle for long.
We just want you to get used to your new equipment. Trinuma and I will be responsible for your training."
They entered a large room, located at the highest point of the Colosseum. The two moons in the sky illuminated the room slightly. The Matoran noticed five circular tiles placed on the ground.
In the center there was a crystalloid object of modest size.
"Reach your position." said Krakua. "And wait. Don’t move for any reason."
The five took up positions, waiting.
"Operating machinery. Starting synchronization with the Red Star." said a Ruhnga operator.
"Completed. Active Kestora."
The whole room was illuminated by the crystal’s bright light.
"Percentage?" asked Krakua.
"30%... 50... 63... 80... 91... synchronization performed."
"Release in three... two... one..."
An energy ray from the satellite hit the crystal structure, splitting into five parts and hitting the five Matoran.
In a few seconds, they were transformed. Their armor glowed a dark red, and then went out with the seconds to come.
"Check their vitals."
"Vitals match baseline, sir."
They made it. The Red Star studies had given excellent results. Helryx herself immediately realized that the Red Star was too important. Soon after the reformation of Spherus Magna, she went with Turaga Dume on the Red Star. They made a secret pact with the Kestora, so that they could start studies on the small satellite. The analysis was entrusted to the Ko-Matoran of Metru Nui who, with the collaboration of Onu- and Po-Matoran, built the Whetu device in a few decades. Exploiting the energy of the Red Star, the Kestora released energy rays through special channels and joined in a single dense beam that would come into contact with the crystal within seconds.
Years ago, they tested the machine on a Ta-Matoran named Kapura and the experiment worked successfully. Before the Awakening, the machine was transported inside the Robot, leaving no trace of it in New Daxia.
"Rest now. Tomorrow we will start your training."
4. Friend or foe?
At the Colosseum, training for the new Toa Metru began. Trinuma taught them how to fight at a distance, how to move, how to look for cover and how to give it back. Krakua, on the other hand, would have been in charge of stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Among all five, Nuhrii, chosen as leader, immediately learned the various advice of the Order’s agents. The others, instead, needed time. The aim was to train elite warriors for the missions that would have been assigned to them. The five Toa practiced with the Korero, to develop maximum quality including responsiveness and speed. Helryx planned this type of training, assigning it to Krakua and Trinuma. Some Ko-Matoran were awarded the task to watch the workouts and to take note of the possible improvements.
The three Toa Hagah were headed for the Protodermis Falls at Ga-Metru. From there they would have started the search with Tobduk, to see what happened to Hydraxon.
"How long till Ga-Metru?" asked Bomonga.
"We’ll be there in a few hours."
Soon, it started to rain and the three looked for a shelter. To avoid losing contact with Tobduk, they sent some Ruhnga forward. The three took refuge in a refreshment area a few miles from the Protodermis Falls. A Ga-Matoran named Okoth assigned them a secret room.
Given the recent clashes with the Parenga militia, the members of the Order couldn't arouse too much in the eyes of others, especially in the Water region. They then took advantage of the situation to plan their search.
"So, tomorrow we will resume our search. By dawn, we should get information from the Ruhnga we sent to find Tobduk, and..."
"Did you hear tha-"
"Shh!" interrupted Bomonga.
They heard someone behind the door and quietly took their weapons. Norik motioned for Pouks to approach the door. With his back against the wall, the Toa of Stone opened it quickly. In a few seconds, a little stranger got surrounded by three elemental spears.
"Who are you?! Identify yourself!" Pouks said.
Without saying anything, he extracted a Ruhnga identification tag.
"Put your spears down, brothers. He’s one of ours." Norik ordered.
"Sir, I bring news about Tobduk. He’ll be waiting for us in the north district tomorrow morning."
The next morning they followed the Ruhnga, who stayed with them all night. Once arrived near the Protodermis Falls, they were taken to a cave whose entrance was guarded by two soldiers. As they entered, Bomonga noticed some particular details.
"It’s an ambush..." he said quietly.
"What?!" Pouks replied.
"Apart from the dog tags, the whole paraphernalia is completely different from the Ruhnga one."
"Yes, I noticed it." replied Norik.
"Come, Toa. The great Tobduk awaits you in this room."
"Since when do you carry swords instead of daggers as usual, Ruhnga?" asked Norik.
"Sir? Uhm... This is the latest equipment, d-didn’t you know?"
"And why is your clothing so colorful?" Bomonga countered.
He started shaking until at some point he shouted: "NOW!" and ten lurking warriors fired on the three Hagah. With a seismic blow, Bomonga dropped the enemies from their positions, while Pouks created an avalanche that submerged them all. The fake Ruhnga ran into Norik with the axe in his hand, but was struck by an energy ray.
"Tobduk!" exclaimed the Toa of Stone.
More arrived and Tobduk joined the group to fend off the enemy. Only one of them was spared, and they questioned him about the capture of Hydraxon.
"Speak, rebel! Where have you imprisoned Hydraxon?!" said Tobduk.
"Die..." he replied, smiling.
In anger, Tobduk continued to strike him several times in the face, until he finally lost consciousness.
"Damn it!" he exclaimed.
"You must settle your anger..." Bomonga replied quietly.
"Thanks, but I can handle these situations perfectly!"
There was an argument between the two, and Pouks tried in vain to appease them.
Meanwhile, Norik came out of the cave to think about how to continue the search. It was then that he saw someone observing him secretly. He immediately recognized that it was Okoth, the Ga-Matoran who hosted them the night before, who decided to sneak aboard her vehicle once she made eye contact with the Toa. Norik ran to his fellows and interrupted the discussion.
"We were betrayed. I just saw Okoth behind a rock, outside the cave. I tried to stop her, but she ran away."
"What do we do?" Pouks asked.
"She’ll be too far now." replied Tobduk.
Bomonga then suggested reaching the refreshment area where they had spent the night.
"We mustn’t get too much attention." Norik said.
Without being seen, they entered through a back door in Okoth’s office, where they began their search.
"I think I found something!" Pouks said after a few minutes.
In a drawer, he saw several Widgets with a letter. It mentioned a meeting place located between Ko- and Le-Metru.
"Okoth probably had to show up in that area to make some sort of pact with them."
"I doubt it’s their base anyway." Bomonga said.
The four sensed that there was still no real Parenga base.
Moreover, this base would have been immediately suppressed by the Order. They assumed that, as in this case, they exploited different places and homes, including meeting points or markets to exchange information with the inhabitants of the area. Not even a century had passed since the Awakening, and for this reason a rebel faction, made up mainly of Matoran, would have struggled to establish its roots without attracting the attention of the Order. Many speculated that, in addition to the Matoran, there were skilled warriors of different races. Probably some Agori and Glatorian found refuge within this sect, but it still had to be confirmed.
The first actions of the Parenga group were thefts of Protodermis, kidnappings of Rahi and Matoran, and in a short time they managed to "enlist" a few hundred individuals, at least according to statistics.
One day, during the fourth speech of Helryx, a bomb exploded under one of the stands, killing hundreds of Matoran there. The Parenga aimed the Ga-Matoran curve, as if to indicate that their real target was Helryx.
Soon after, the first Toa doubled his guard in each region and, believing Agori and Glatorian responsible for the attack, had them forcibly driven off the island.
Jerbraz and some Huna-Toa were temporarily suspended from the task of invisibly investigating the entire island, and were tasked with finding some enemy Parenga bases, without ever getting results. Axonn and Brutaka meanwhile became the heads of Korero units in the metropolis and were responsible for raising such Rahi on other restored islands.
The Parenga quickly created a situation of great instability. A second Matoran civil war was around the corner. Dume and Helryx decided to reintroduce the Widgets (an old payment system), and distributed them to the entire population in an egalitarian manner.
If it had been for Helryx, a dictatorship would have started, but she decided to accept temporarily the peaceful and complacent proposal of Dume.
"We’d better go back to the Coliseum and tell Helryx." said Pouks.
"No." retorted Tobduk. "It is convenient for the moment to avoid spreading information among our rows, otherwise Helryx will increase the guard and you know what this means..."
"What do you mean?" asked the Toa of the Stone.
"Many Matoran will be searched and some of them will be innocent." Bomonga promptly replied. "This will give rise to excessive complaints, given the conditions of peace that have been created in recent years. The enemy will notice this and take advantage of the situation to strengthen itself."
'So this is the enemy’s goal...' thought Norik. 'They want to wreak havoc on the population at all costs...'
"So how do you propose to proceed?" asked Pouks.
There was a moment of reflection. The situation was quite complex: the population was on the verge of civil revolt. They wanted more security, more freedom, and more protection from their heads of state. Now it was as if everything was in the hands of the four warriors.
"We will certainly have to move forward and open investigations secretly. I can hire some Huna-Toa so that we can proceed with the search."
"I agree." replied Pouks. "It would be best to divide and search the island unbeknownst to Helryx and Dume."
"Mind you, brother..." said Bomonga. "Helryx and the Korero have eyes everywhere. But why didn’t they discover the culprit behind the Parenga threat?"
"It seems obvious to me." added Tobduk.
"The Matoran are too mobile and too fragile targets to suspect. Of course, this makes me believe that their leader doesn't have a significant war power, apart from some Glatorian."
They discussed at length inside the cave and later, between one hypothesis and another, they came to a plan: Tobduk would have gone to Jerbraz academy, where he would have secretly hired some Toa to investigate the places marked by Okoth's map. Meanwhile, the three Toa would have continued the research. That way they acted as a diversion to cover up the real research Tobduk did.
5. Humiliation
In the meantime, training of the five Toa Metru continued for several weeks at the Colosseum. Today’s training included hand-to-hand combat.
In the waiting room, the five warriors armed themselves and left the room. Coming out of the tunnel that lead into the field, they noticed that in the observation hall of Turaga Dume, in addition to Trinuma and Krakua, there was also Helryx. It was the first time that she went in person to observe the training of the new Toa.
"What is she doing here?" the Toa were talking among themselves.
Nuhrii promptly replied: "It means that we can finally show the Order what we are capable of! Come on!"
But the training proved more difficult than expected: all various types of training were applied at one time. Calm, endurance and reactivity were tested to the maximum. The five Toa put all their strength and effort to get around the various obstacles. Many Ruhnga and Rahi were deployed, and many turrets stationed fired from all directions. The Toa had no shelter and had to improvise with their elements.
As the minutes passed, the five were surrounded by dozens of opponents, until Krakua raised his hand and the trial stopped.
From above the sonic Toa started talking: "We thought you would have made the difference today, but we were wrong. Helryx wanted to observe in person, but unfortunately, she had to witness such mistakes. Go back, Toa! Rest and discuss among yourselves your mistakes. Learn to act as a true team, as true brothers! You are no longer Matoran. Now the level of difficulty rises and your life is put in increasing danger. Now go!"
The Toa turned and made their way back into the tunnel. Outside the Colosseum, such a failure could have jeopardized the mission, but above all their lives and those of the Matoran. One of them, however, did not agree with what Krakua said. It was Nuhrii...
His voice of protest echoed throughout the arena. "So how should we behave?! How can you expect that by postponing all the time we will become stronger, more able and more responsible?! My brothers and I have experienced pain and fatigue, without ever lowering our heads! And now you expect to send us back in for the slightest mistake?! You just sit there and expect us to become stronger, but it doesn’t work that way!"
Krakua and Trinuma looked at each other in disbelief, and when they turned to Helryx, they noticed that she was gone. She probably decided to abandon the scene because of such insolence, but it was not so: the door at the bottom of the tower opened and Helryx went out, walking towards the Toa of Fire.
Nuhrii was paralyzed. The five Toa never had a personal dialogue with the Order’s leader. She was always silent in their presence as if the dialogue was a prize to be earned.
Well, Nuhrii somehow succeeded...
The Toa of Water approached him and said: "Fight me then."
But Nuhrii did not move and then Helryx said: "Just as I imagined... Now I understand why Lhikan chose Vakama instead of you."
Hearing these words, the wrath in the Toa of Fire was kindled, fueled by the strong jealousy he harbored towards the former mask maker. He then launched a first attack, which was quickly dodged by Helryx with ease. Remembering Krakua’s suggestions, he then turned away and began to fire at the first Toa from a distance, without hitting her once.
The four comrades watched in astonishment.
Nuhrii’s fists soaked with fire and attempted to double attack Helryx, but she repelled them with her mace. She then launched a counterattack and hit him heavily on the muzzle, dropping him to the ground.
"Nuhrii, stop it!" his companions shouted, but he didn’t want to listen.
He struck one last blow with the few forces left, and Helryx stopped his arm, holding it by the wrist and squeezing it tightly.
"All this will bring you to death, Toa. Abandon your wrath. You are not Vakama and you'll never be him. You were not born to feel fear like the latter. But as long as you stay with this idea you have, then death will come upon you and your companions." she said, letting him go.
Shortly before returning, she turned to the group. "From now on Vhisola will be the new leader."
The comrades immediately rushed to help their brother. But he reacted violently.
"Brother, calm down." said Orkahm. "Listen to what Helryx told you. We are here for you and the good of all."
"Right!" said the others.
"You can’t understand...'' Nuhrii clenched his fists. "I've been waiting too many years for this dream, behind the shadow of a crazy visionary. And now this? It's not fair, I can't accept it..."
Vhisola, the new leader of the group, bowed and comforted him. "We are with you in every moment, even at the cost of having to be the shadow of others who do not deserve it. We were it before and we will be even now if we have to. But we all must cooperate. United. According to the will of Helryx and the Great Spirit, who sacrificed itself to give us a planet to inhabit a few centuries ago. This applies to all of you. Let us in no way let our grudge of the past blind us! Only in this way will we redeem ourselves."
Together, they raised their brother and took him to his room.
In the Hall of Power, placed on top of the Colosseum, Helryx was observing the whole panorama that extended before her, almost with great emotion.
In the distance, the metropolis of Ta-Metru still had structures for the restoration of several buildings. The Chute resumed operation within a year. Helryx used the Staff of Artakha unbeknownst to everyone to speed up the reconstruction of the metropolis. Only a few islands outside Metru Nui were completely restored with the unique use of the Staff. All this, of course, was under the consent of Artakha, who was supposed to fully restore his rule before the Awakening, but this, unfortunately, happened months in advance. Because of the continuous attacks from the outside world, Helryx and Dume had to anticipate this choice to find a safe and immediate shelter where they could protect the population. The Matoran and Turaga Metru were led by agents of the Order within the Outer Barrier, leaving the passage clear for their allies. Many external agents, including a few hundred Glatorians and Agori, managed to get inside the Robot during and after the Awakening.
Suddenly a presence manifested behind her, emitting a huge light. Helryx in front of such a vision bowed and lowered her head.
"Artakha... What reasons lead you to Metru Nui?"
The strong light materialized into a tall and powerful figure, wearing the legendary Mask of Creation.
"For well-known reasons, leader of the Order of Mata Nui. In these lands, I smell hatred, fear, sadness and... death."
"The Parenga threat will soon be suppressed. You have my word, Artakha. Your island will forever remain safe from any menace."
"Mind you, Toa. A powerful enemy is at the gates and craves your head with great hunger."
"Can’t you help us?! We don’t know where to look anymore! Who wants my death?! If you know, then tell me so that I can put an end to the horrors it causes!" the Toa squealed.
"Unfortunately, this enemy knows how to hide from anyone. It lurks in the shadows and like a rock lion waits for the moment when its pack encircles the prey to attack it mercilessly."
"But who could it be? The Dark Hunters were defeated in the last world war. And the Bone Hunters and Skrall have been pushed back to the Outer Lands!"
"I think you better start looking over your shoulder. Evil never sleeps."
After saying that, he abandoned the leader of the Order, dissolving into a flash of light...
6. First move
"What do you mean?" asked Mazeka.
"Please, try to understand, Mazeka. We have attracted attention too many times in recent weeks. The Parenga threat is growing and the Toa are the first to have to be careful." Norik explained.
"And do you think that a simple Matoran like me can be inconspicuous? Oh, sure great plan... except that the whole city knows who I am and who I work for!"
"We know, but surely an expert like you..."
"No way! If I followed your plan, we would end up revealing the entire Order. You still don’t know who you’re dealing with? I thought the disappearance of your comrades Toa had made you mature, but it's not so..."
Pouks stood up and Bomonga, understanding Toa’s quarrelsome intentions, got between the two.
"Enough, Pouks!" Norik tried to calm him down.
"What’s all this racket?" the Toa of Light Takanuva entered the room.
"Nothing important..." Bomonga said as he looked down at Pouks.
"It doesn’t seem like it. Mazeka, tell me what’s going on."
"Oh, nothing. Apparently, they managed to find an alleged Parenga meeting place and now they want to send me there without..."
Norik abruptly interrupted. "No, it’s not like so! Come, Takanuva. I’ll explain, but nobody must know... especially Helryx."
"And for what reason?" asked the shining warrior.
Norik quickly looked out of the room, making sure no Ruhnga soldier was listening.
"Hydraxon is missing. Tobduk has been tracking him for the past few weeks, but he’s been kidnapped by the only people we currently hold responsible for the disappearances since the Awakening."
"Another missing agent?! What in Mata Nui's name is going on in this city?!" Takanuva was shocked.
"Even we can’t understand it..." Pouks resigned after calming down.
"Precisely. After saving Tobduk, we were able to retrieve this letter in the office of a Ga-Matoran named Okoth. If a single Toa goes there, I wouldn’t dare imagine what would happen to him."
Takanuva didn't answer and remained pensive.
After years of peace in the new metropolis, the Parenga rebellion resurfaced. The militia was formed in the months before the Second Core War, but was disbanded soon after the final battle. Despite this, the Order almost always dealt with enemies who proudly and fearlessly claimed their actions, but this time it was quite different. The three remaining Toa Hagah, namely Gaaki, Iruini and Kualus, had disappeared along with the Toa Mahri, Botar’s Substitute, the Toa Nuva, and the six Turaga of Metru Nui. But where were they at that time? Were they still alive? And who was the new leader of the rebels?
"That’s why we asked Mazeka to go to the designated place instead of us." Bomonga said.
"But it won’t work." Takanuva reasoned. "In so doing we risk losing more useful pawns to the cause of Helryx and Dume."
"Pff! You don’t even know what those two are up to!" Mazeka complained.
"One day we’ll know... hopefully." replied Takanuva.
"It doesn’t matter. We can’t rely on our leader, especially after the depression she’s been through for the last two years." answered Bomonga. "We must find a way to find the enemy with or without her support."
Takanuva smiled. "Maybe I know where to start."
"What do you mean?" asked Mazeka and Pouks in chorus.
"Trust me, especially you, Norik." said the Toa of Light, but shortly before leaving, he was stopped by the Hagah's leader, who on the sidelines whispered: "What are you going to do?"
"Simple. As soon as I get rid of my chores I will reunite the Company of the Chronicler!"
"The Company of the Chronicler? Have you gone mad?! Do you want to send them again to risk their lives for your convenience? Don't you Remember what happened to Taipu? Have you already forgotten what happened at the end of the last world war?!"
"I know, but you have to trust me, brother. What matters most is that neither Helryx nor Dume finds out about this secret search."
"It won’t be a problem. Tobduk will take care of it." Norik reassured him.
Nynrah’s warrior meanwhile arrived in a few weeks to search the entire metropolis, following the plan established with the Hagah. But still nothing. The Parenga were now smarter, more organized, and well-equipped. With every probability, they became aware of the investigations initiated by the Order. The number of attacks on the state of Mata-Metru declined suddenly and, despite this, they were never discovered. The few clues that Tobduk managed to gather invited him to continue outside of Mata-Metru. No doubt a risky choice. However, without the coordinates or the name of the islands from which to start, the search would have lasted too long and it was therefore necessary to wait for confirmation.
Fortunately, Helryx and Dume never heard of the mission, although the Toa at the head of the Order was suspicious of Tobduk and the Hagah.
At the end of the Second Core War, she suddenly fell into a six-month coma, and during that time decisions were made solely by Dume, with a "slight" consent from the remaining agents. Upon her awakening, she was struck by a strong resentment that forced her to shut herself away for a long time. But for what?
Thus began the two years of depression of the Order’s leader, which brought nothing but paranoia and crazy thoughts. Turaga Dume was the first to support her, especially during the Awakening period. The other agents, however, remained watching, some sad, others horrified. To make matters much worse were the many disappearances of allies and, above all, of Toa...
It was evening. Tobduk was back from his daily patrols. He hadn’t had a well-deserved rest in days. In Metru Nui, a curfew had just taken place and all the citizens were returning to their homes as quickly as possible, so as not to suffer the beating of the Horomia, the night watchmen of the Order.
He placed his backpack on the doorstep, hung his weapons on the wall, and sat as usual on the edge of the window watching the two moons of the Robot.
"Mata Nui, where will all this lead us? How long will we have to endure this situation? Only you can tell us..."
After a few minutes of silence, he looked away from the two moons, and listened to the silence that covered the entire city. Most of the Matoran were terrified, while others quickly became accustomed to the control imposed by the Order, which was in turn divided into two parts, between those who agreed with Helryx and those who remained hesitant.
Something or someone was somehow moving the fate of the Biomechanics. But who was it? The Glatorian and the Agori? The Bone Hunters and the remaining Skralls? Or perhaps the Heroes of Makuro?
However, the number of suspects was far too high to draw any immediate conclusions.
At one point, while immersed in his thoughts, Tobduk saw from afar two hooded individuals talking inside a narrow street, at a point strangely far from Horomia. He came down from the edge of the window and tried to recognize their face. One of the two seemed quite agitated and began to gesture without stopping. The other remained watching, nodding.
They talked for some time, after which the taller individual jumped to the nearest roof without difficulty.
"Come on, turn around! I want to see who you are..." Tobduk said softly. "I’ve been looking for you for weeks and now I’m gonna... WHAT?!"
The suspect unexpectedly approached a Horomia and handed him a small document. Looking the other way, Tobduk managed to discover the identity of the other hooded, who in the meantime moved slowly through the streets of the city: it was Turaga Dume.
Tobduk collapsed with his hands on his face to the horror he saw: "No, no, no. It cannot be... Dume betrayed us?! Does he collaborate with the Parenga?! I must warn Helryx immediately!"
--Wait for the next part!--