- "I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say, I am."
- ―Marendar
Into the BC-Verse: Infinity War is an epic science fiction film directed by the Brusso Brothers based on the various fanarts of BionicleChicken. Produced by BC Studios, it is an entry in the BC Universe franchise.
After destroying its home universe, ridding it of Toa, and integrating a Kanohi Olmak into its mainframe, the robotic Toa-killer named Marendar has assembled a team of alternate selves to wage war on every Toa and Toa-like being in the BC Multiverse. To achieve this, it has merged multiple alternate worlds into a patchwork construct in order to collect the three Legendary Masks of Time, Creation, and Life to form the Mask of Ultimate Power and eliminate the very idea of Toa from reality. Their very existences and the stability of the multiverse in the balance, heroes from across dimensions must unite, before untold trillions are killed with the snap of Marendar's cold, metallic fingers.
Okay for real now: the whole idea is a crossover parody of Avengers: Infinity War and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but using BionicleChicken's storylines and takes on various canon characters that have appeared on his social medias and Custom Bionicle Wiki.

Marendar threatens Lhikan.
At some unknown point in time, a version of the robotic Toa-killer Marendar succeeded in wiping out all Toa in its home universe, effectively also destroying all life on the planet. Integrating a Kanohi Olmak into its frame, Marendar discovered the multiverse and sought out to eliminate all Toa across reality. It assembled a team of alternate selves and began waging war on the very idea of Toa across the multiverse.
The Marendars arrive in the universe of BIONICLE: Cataclysm, intercepting a ship full of refugees from the recently destroyed Metru Nui and attacking Toa Lhikan and Nidhiki, demanding the Nui Stone. After acquiring it, the Olmak-infused Marendar, Marendar-Prime, kills Nidhiki, who in his final moments called out the machine's envy towards Toa as its true motivations for its slaughter. The Marendars then leave Lhikan for dead, destroying the ship. They then use the power of the Nui Stone and various multiversal technologies to crossover various worlds into a patchwork planet to search for the Legendary Masks of Time, Creation, and Life.
As the worlds merge, the Tahu from BIONICLE: Cosmos crash lands in Ekimu's forge on Okoto, and Lhikan falls into the Endless Ocean where he is picked by the Toa Metru from Pirates, who are dumbfounded at seeing a living version of their former hero. Recognizing that reality's walls are breaking down, Ekimu enlists the help of Keetongu to explain to Tahu and Narmoto from Timeless Heroes about the nature of their crisis, and their intentions to protect Ekimu's Mask of Creation from Marendar. Version of Marendar, a young human-looking cyborg named Miro Anda and a Bioformer Makutacon named Marauder, arrive to take the Mask. In the ensuing fight, Tahu's Plasma Sword is revealed to deal serious damage to the Marendars, who are normally immune to Elemental attacks. The arrival of the Marendars attract the attention of Takua Nakamura from BIONICLE: Circulation, who was riding a bus with Hahli-chan, and he sneaks off to join the battle as Takanuva, 777th Generational Toa Hero of Light. Anda, unable to take the Mask of Creation from Ekimu due to an enchantment, captures him. Tahu and Takanuva sneak aboard Anda's ship to rescue Ekimu while Keetongu stays behind and sends word out for the various worlds' Toa to join forces.
Meanwhile, the Toa Metru and Lhikan discover a pocket dimension where the Marendars have set up shop. Vakama and Lhikan sneak into the facility, avoiding the Marendars' Baterra forces patrolling. Inside, they acquire intel of the Marendars' plans from the computer of a female scientist, who reveals herself as the Hero Factory version of Marendar: Core Hunter. As the two Toa escape, they are rescued by a version of Naho who survived her encounter with Eliminator. The Toa then head to Okoto, where all the Toa and similar heroes of the joined worlds have gathered. With the Kanohi Vahi unaccounted for and Ekimu off-world with the Mask of Creation, the gathered Toa focus their priorities on finding and protecting the nearest version of the Kanohi Ignika. They find it on a Mad version of Mata Nui, who was attacked by the Marendars but was saved unexpectedly by Annona, who seeks revenge against the Marendars for destroying her world and killing her beloved Sahmad.
Deciding he needs a new weapon, Lhikan heads off to the Red Star to get a new sword forged, and is accompanied by Hahli-chan and Whenua. As the trio head off, the Toa Metru track Anda's ship to a patch of Marendar-Prime's home universe, where they find that Tahu, Ekimu, and Takanuva have killed Anda and are attempting an ambush on Marendar-Prime. Prime meanwhile tracks down the Vahi in the Silver City Pocket Dimension, where it encounters a version of one of its creators Velika. Velika, similar to Nidhiki earlier, correctly surmises that Marendar-Prime is filled with a deep-rooted jealousy of Toa and seeks to genocide them in an attempt to prove itself superior as well as justify continuing its existence by expanding its function to the multiverse. After reluctantly killing Velika, Marendar acquires the Vahi, which it integrates into its frame along with the Olmak and Nui Stone.
Marendar-Prime then arrives in its home universe, where it battles Tahu, Takanuva, Ekimu, and the Toa Metru. It eventually overpowers them, wounding Tahu, and acquires the Mask of Creation before teleporting away.
At the Red Star, Lhikan, Hahli-chan, and Whenua encounter Mavrah, who helps them reignite the Red Star Forge. The effort severely weakens Lhikan however, forcing Hahli-chan to use her magic to infuse him with lightning from the Red Star.
On Okoto, the Marendars launch their attack on the City of the Mask Makers, starting a massive battle between the Baterra and the gathered Toa and Protectors there. As the battle is seemingly in the Marendars' favor, Lhikan, Hahli-chan, and Whenua suddenly arrive, the Toa of Fire wielding a new giant sword and transformed into a Toa Inika, allowing him to easily decimate the Marendars' forces. However, the Toa realize that the battle is a distraction and Mata Nui is quickly escorted out as the Marendars have flanked the Toa's forces to get to him. One by one, the Marendars are killed, but Marendar-Prime arrives to obtain the Mask of Life. As the Toa attempt to fend it off, Mata Nui allows himself to be killed by Annona to prevent his Ignika from falling into Marendar-Prime's hands. Despite managing to, Marendar-Prime undoes Mata Nui's death by reversing time using the Vahi and teleports Annona to its home universe to get her out of the way, then takes the Ignika and integrates it into its frame.
An enraged Lhikan attacks Marendar-Prime, managing to grievously damage it by driving his sword through its torso. However, Marendar simply reconstitutes itself so the Masks are on its head, forming the Mask of Ultimate Power and snapping its fingers.
Marendar-Prime then finds itself in a realm looking similar to the Silvery City dimension, where it encounters a vision of Velika. When asked what its actions have cost it, Marendar-Prime solemnly mourns the loss of its counterparts, having come to see them as its family.
Returning to reality, Marendar-Prime teleports itself away as a horrified Lhikan demands to know what it has done. All across the multiverse, various Toa, Protectors, and similar heroes suddenly begin disintegrating into dust, including the Toa Metru, the Protectors besides Narmoto, and the Toa Heroes besides Hahli-chan and Nuparu-kun. Takanuva disintegrates in Tahu's arms.
Somewhere else at an unknown location, Marendar-Prime sits and watches the sunrise.
In a post-credits scene, Hero Factory is conducting research on an "artifact" that is giving off strange energy readings. Daniel Rocka volunteers to expedite into a portal the artifact opens up and finds the threads of the multiverse coming apart at the seams. When he demands to be pulled out, nobody answers, as Marendar's snap has also affected Hero Factory's members, leaving Rocka trapped outside of reality.
- Toa:
- Tahu (Cosmos)
- Lhikan (Cataclysm)
- Naho
- Ekimu (Timeless Heroes/Old Friends)
- Toa Metru (Pirates):
- Vakama
- Nokama
- Matau
- Onewa
- Whenua
- Nuju
- Protectors (Timeless Heroes):
- Narmoto
- Izotor
- Korgot
- Kivoda
- Vizuna
- Nikluu
- Toa Heroes (Bionicle: Circulation):
- Takua Nakamura/Takanuva
- Jaller-senpai/Jalainika
- Hahli-chan/Halimahri
- Nuparu-kun/JOVAN
- Kongu and other members of the Defense Force
- Hero Factory:
- Jimi Stringer
- Nathaniel Evo
- Daniel Rocka
- Keetongu
- Mad Mata Nui
- The Glatorian with No Name
- Annona
- Velika
- Marendars:
- Marendar-Prime
- Miro Anda (Bionicle: Circulation)
- Marauder (Bioformers)
- Core Hunter
- Marendar Virus