- Akilini
- Alpha War
- Apocalypse
- Arrival of the Cat People
- BIONICLE: Black Worlds
- BIONICLE: Reality
- BIONICLE: Return of the Great Beings
- BIONICLE: Rise of the MOCs
- BIONICLE: Rise of the MOCs/Characters
- BIONICLE: The Game
- BIONICLE: The Game/Console
- BIONICLE: The Movie
- BIONICLE: The Wall
- BIONICLE: The Wall/Gallery
- BIONICLE 2/PS3, Xbox360, PC
- BIONICLE Alpha War
- BIONICLE Crossover Wiki
- BIONICLE Starcraft
- BIONICLE vs. Hero Factory
- BIONICLE vs. Hero Factory (Jman98 Film)
- BIONICLE vs. Transformers
- BIONICLE vs. Transformers Requiem
- Batman
- Bionicle/Marvel Universe
- Bionicle + Team Fortress 2
- Bionicle 2: Revenge of Karzahni
- Bionicle Book 10: Salvation
- Bionicle Crossovers:Vote for Adminship
- Bionicle factory
- Bionicle hero factory
- Bionicle hero factory part two
- Bionicle vs. Transformers
- Blurr
- Brain Factory
- Breaking Point
- Brotherhood of Makuta-U.S. War
- Bumblebee
- Burn!
- CT1000's BIONICLE Comics
- Caesar
- Chapter 1: "Rebirth" (Bionicle Book 10: Salvation)
- Chapter 2: "Fall of Virtues" (Bionicle Book 10: Salvation)
- Chapter 2 part two: "Cry of despair" (Bionicle Book 10: Salvation)
- Characters
- Cobra
- Cobra Commander
- Craitor
- Curt Connors
- Darth Sidious
- Days of Shadow
- Decepticons
- Destral Nui
- Destro
- Dinosaurs
- Duke
- Earth Shattering
- Ecumene Toa Team/Fireteam Protector
- Eris Eclipse Nui
- Final Chapter: "Salvation" (Bionicle Book 10: Salvation)
- G.I. Joe
- Gary
- General Grievous
- Gresh and Mata Nui annoy the Annoying Orange.
- Hero Factory V.S Bionicle
- Into the BC-Verse: Infinity War
- Invasion
- Iron Man
- Iron Monger
- Joker
- Journey's End
- Locations
- MET 1
- MET 2
- MET 3
- MET vs. SWA War 1
- Magneto
- Makuta's Elite Team
- Makuta's Matrix
- Master Chief
- Mata Nui
- Megatron
- Mike Loco
- Multiversal Singularity
- Multiverse
- Natalie Breez
- Objects
- Optimus Prime
- Orik
- ParaGreduck,a Bionicle and ParaNorman Crossover.
- Peter Parker
- Prologue: 'Second Core War'
- Puarsun
- Ripcord
- Risaver
- Smith
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Return of Shadow
- Species
- Starscream
- Storyline
- Team Echo
- Teridax (Sonic the Hedgehog: Return of Shadow)
- The Chosen One
- The Fallen
- The HALO Insident
- The Wall: Hides in the Shadows
- The Witch-king
- Timeline
- Titanium Man
- Transbio War
- Transformers
- Tyran
- Utopia
- William Furno
- Wolverine
- Worlds Collide
- Yoda