BIONICLE Crossover Wiki
Lord Megatron
Vital statistics
Title Lord High Protector
Gender Male
Race Cybertronian
Faction Decepticons
Health 79
Level 4
Status Resurrected
Location Chunk Echo

Once the Lord High Protector of Cybertron and the brother of the science division leader Optimus Prime, Megatron is vicious, extremely powerful, single-minded in his goals, straight-forward and brutally direct. He is all "blunt force" in contrast to Starscream's penchant for deceit and trickery. On the downside, Megatron tends to become so obsessed with the object of his desires that he can ignore "secondary" matters, glaring flaws in his plans. He likely wouldn't have melted into ice-cold arctic water after being white hot from falling through Earth's atmosphere, and spent ten-thousand years frozen, and even crippling injuries in pursuit of the coveted item. He will risk his world, his troops, and even his own spark to achieve his goals; these things do not matter to Megatron. Even the destruction of Optimus Prime and the Autobots is a secondary concern. In Megatron's cerebral processor, all that has become important are the whims of his master and, by extension, the AllSpark.

While some merely dislike or disregard humans, Megatron feels a violent hatred towards them and views them as only slightly above bacteria, a feeling exacerbated by spending decades as their prisoner. Even if there was no AllSpark, it's not hard to imagine that Megatron would have come to this planet anyway, just to cleanse one more world of its organic infection.

Alpha War[]

Megatron is currently being controlled by Magneto.